Here are some facts about LinkedIn to wet your taste buds first 🚀
1. LinkedIn turned 18 years old on May 3, 2021 🚀
So why is this birthday so significant, anyway? LinkedIn can’t vote, or buy booze.
It’s because it’s the longest social network still in use today, according to Hootsuite. Yup, it’s about nine months older than Facebook.
And, it’s still growing exponentially.
So, if you didn’t sign up for LinkedIn over the past 18 years, you should.
It clearly has lasting power if it’s been around this long, so it’s high time you get an account (if you don’t already have one). And if you do, start to use it more often.
2. More than 740 million people are on LinkedIn 🚀
At the start of 2021, 740 million people had LinkedIn accounts, according to LinkedIn’s very own press room.
This is up from 645 million at the beginning of last year, which we quoted in our article on LinkedIn statistics for 2020.
Considering the platform has been around for 18 years, it’s pretty impressive to see its user count continue to grow at such a swift rate.
If you still haven’t signed you or your company up for a LinkedIn account, what are you waiting for?
3. LinkedIn is 227% more effective at lead generation than Facebook or Twitter 🚀
According to HubSpot, “Traffic from LinkedIn generated the highest visitor-to-lead conversion rate at 2.74%, almost three times higher (277%) than both Twitter (.69%) and Facebook (.77%).”
If you’re a B2B company, take advantage of the fact that LinkedIn is a social media platform geared towards businesses and businesspeople, and start moving your lead generation, contact messaging, and prospecting process there.
4. 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn 🚀
Using LinkedIn doesn’t mean you’ll become a millionaire. But you can certainly strive to be.
And considering that 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn according to SourceOn, you may be able to interact with or gain some valuable knowledge from one.
Or, maybe even snag a millionaire or Fortune 500 CEO as an investor for your startup.
5. 70% of B2B marketers are planning on increasing their organic activities on LinkedIn in 2021 🚀
More than ever, LinkedIn is the place to be for B2B marketing and sales professionals (and according to stat number three, more effective than Facebook or Twitter when it comes to lead generation).
According to Oberlo, 70% of B2B marketers want to ramp up their efforts on LinkedIn when it comes to their professional networks.
This means more prospects, more clients, more B2B leads, and more opportunities for businesses to connect with one another in 2021.
If your B2B company hasn’t boosted its LinkedIn strategy for 2021, now is the time.
6. When it comes to demographics, 38% of LinkedIn’s users are millennials 🚀
There are around two billion millennials in the world, and 87 million of them are on LinkedIn, according to AdWeek.
While millennials often get a lot of flack, don’t discount this powerful age group.
More than 11 million global millennial decision-makers are LinkedIn members, and this could have a significant impact on your brand or business if you play your cards right.
The top millennial job on LinkedIn is a salesperson — there are more than 2.7 million of them.
When creating a prospecting, hiring, marketing, or advertising strategy, don’t forget about millennials.
In fact, given the aforementioned information, you may want to cater to them.
7. LinkedIn has 63 million mobile users each month 🚀
From social media apps to mobile commerce, mobile business is the future.
Foundation Inc. reported that LinkedIn’s mobile user base accounted for 59% percent of all unique visiting members.
This number is constantly growing, so make sure your LinkedIn content and profile are optimized for mobile devices, and that you and your team all have access to the LinkedIn app.
With that being said, LinkedIn is a VERY valuable platform.
Especially for B2B and high-ticket offers.